Asarum subglobosum

Family Aristolochiaceae
Scientific name Asarum subglobosum F. Maekawa ex Hatusima & Yamahata
Synonyms Heterotropa subglobosa (F. Maekawa) F. Maekawa
Common name (Japanese common name) tama-no-kanaoi (マルミカンアオイ, 丸実寒葵 [meaning: ropund fruits winter hollyhock (Tama = western mountane area of Tokyo)])
(English common name) none
Distribution (Japan) Kyushu (Kumamoto Prefecture, Miyazaki Prefecture)
(Other nations) none
Habitat Mountane forest
Chromosomal number unknown
Description Leaves ca. 5-10cm wide. Flowers dark purple or green 2-2.5cm across, flowering in April to May. Perennial plants.
Reference Asarum subglobosum F. Maek. ex Hatus. & Yamahata
An approach to chemotaxonomy of the Asarum subgenus
Note Rare species, Native to Japan

May 2010
at Tsukuba Botanical Garden
May 2010
at Tsukuba Botanical Garden

'Hyuga Jishi'
April 2009
at a Nursery